I was invited as a guest speaker for a motivational talk to celebrate International women’s Day. It was an opportunity to meet such wonderful women, each one uniquely gifted. What I found only reconfirmed my belief. My strong belief that each one of us has a...

What percent do you think our genes have on the likelihood of getting cancer vis-à-vis our lifestyle habits? If you’re like most people, you probably have guessed that the genes are the culprit. But a study done on over 1000 adopted kids in Denmark showed that BIOLOGICAL...

In a society where people have the ability to communicate instantly, a quick response can become an expectation. In a virtual world today .. in this internet era, where connectivity is 24*7, we are expected to be available round the clock. But it’s an expectation that...

International Women's Day, March 8, is a day designated by the United Nations to celebrate the accomplishments of women and to continue to fight for gender equality around the globe. This month is a reminder to Celebrate the woman you are! Cheers to womanhood! Look at How...