Here is an interesting research on why some of the foods are highly addictive Some foods share common traits with highly addictive drugs. Like other drug problems, they say, "food addiction" is characterized by: Loss of control over consumption; Continued use despite negative consequences; and Inability to...

Though chimpanzees, dolphins, elephants, and even pigeons can recognize their images in a mirror, human beings are the only species with the capacity for introspection - that is, the ability to consciously examine our thoughts, feelings, motives, and behaviors. The ability to self-examine is uniquely human...

I was invited as a guest speaker for a motivational talk to celebrate International women’s Day. It was an opportunity to meet such wonderful women, each one uniquely gifted. What I found only reconfirmed my belief. My strong belief that each one of us has a...

What percent do you think our genes have on the likelihood of getting cancer vis-à-vis our lifestyle habits? If you’re like most people, you probably have guessed that the genes are the culprit. But a study done on over 1000 adopted kids in Denmark showed that BIOLOGICAL...