Ready to tap into the full creative force within yourself and learn how to find focus? Start by adding these three activities to your list of daily habits for success. Remember doodling in the classroom when you were 13? It helped you to focus and retain...

Folks,  This is the week of trying something new; week of novelty Today I tried a different type of meditation – guided meditation by Tara Brach for quieting the mind Meditation started off with the sound of the waves; the rain outside perfectly complimented it. My mind...

Here is a quick health tip for the 3rd week; What is the 50/10 rule? This rule if followed not only has health benefits but also makes us more productive. Its inspired by researcher Cal Newport’s philosophy on productivity. 50/10 rule means work for fifty minutes and then...

The last week of the month is about novelty, about experimentation, about trying something new, about breaking the routine, about being creative, about fun Novelty helps in improving neuroplasticity which simply means that our brain can continue to form new connections and neural pathways. Research shows...