I was talking to people on opinions, sharing point of views, decision making or simply speaking out; A common theme emerged ..
What if I am not right?
What if I am not perceived in the right manner?
What if my opinion is rejected?
What if I get rejected?
What will people think of me?
And many many “What if’s”?
And these “What if’s” blocked them from the next action.
These questions signals a deeper psychology that is rooted in a mindset which I would coin to the4 letter word‘Fear’. “What if’s” are symptoms of the underlying disease – the deep rooted Fear which is nurtured over the years.
Ultimately when Fear takes control, it stops you from taking the next action and moving ahead
When Fear conquers you, you lose.
This is not how you want to build a living. It is not how you want to build a business or career. It is not how you want to build a life. Walking around constantly trying to figure out the “What if’s”
I would like to share Dr. Sean Stephenson’s story. If you haven’t heard of Sean, you will love him. They call him the three foot giant because he’s literally 3 feet tall at most and lives in a wheel chair. He was born with a rare bone disease called Ostiogenesis Imperfecta where his bones were so brittle, even sneezing would break his collarbone. He’s broken over 250 bones in his body.
What I want you to know that along with his bones, He’s also broken through the mental obstacles, and has transformed into a healthy physical body.
Sean has his doctorate in clinical hypnotherapy and is a leadership ninja. His vision is to rid of insecurity in the world. He speaks about how the unconscious mind effects the conscious mind in every day life and that when you’re not afraid of rejection, you can accomplish amazing things.
When this person who has broken 250 bones in his body is not afraid of taking the next step and says, “I don’t think of myself as disabled, because that means I’m not able.”, Isn’t it time to change our perspective when these “What if” questions come to our mind?
If yes, Here is the Call to Action
Its normal to fear fearful; everybody goes through these emotions. Its what you do out it makes the difference
Let me know what impact is the fear having on you ? What ways have you tried or thought of to get rid of the 4 letter word?
Do speak up, when you have done that .. you have already crossed the big hurdle
Until Next,
Keep Smiling..