How can you find meaning at work?

Many of us assume that success leads to happiness. We believe that we’ll be happy once we achieve a certain position, salary or status. But research tells us that these moments of happiness are short lived, a temporary spike. One of the key elements to lasting happiness at work is finding meaning and purpose in… Continue reading How can you find meaning at work?

Why did this happen to me?

‘Why did this happen to me?’ is a question my mom asked every day after she fell down and broke her hip-femur joint. It was a major surgery that kept her to bed for a couple of months. She was shocked, angry and frustrated because she had to depend on someone else to carry out… Continue reading Why did this happen to me?

A model to support your employees in the new normal

COVID 2019 pandemic has presented myriad challenges to businesses globally. It has impacted people like never before. This report states that nearly 7 in 10 workers claim the coronavirus pandemic is the most stressful time of their professional career; even more than major events like 9/11 and the 2008 Great Recession, according to mental health provider Ginger.… Continue reading A model to support your employees in the new normal

How to deal with daily stressful situations?

All of us experience stress. Stress is inevitable. In fact, a little stress is not a bad thing. It stops us from being complacent and pushes us to meet deadlines. Pressure can be a motivational driver to push our boundaries and move out of the comfort zone. For me this works but on the flip… Continue reading How to deal with daily stressful situations?

How to be super productive without burning out!

Work demands are real. For high achievers who want to knock off as many tasks as quickly as possible and move on to the next project, stress can go unnoticed. I used to find myself in these very situations more often than not. I missed meals, even pushed nature calls to complete the tasks on… Continue reading How to be super productive without burning out!

What can you do to reignite human connections today?

I woke up stressed thinking about the amount of work that needed to be completed. I rushed from home skipping my morning routine. As I started walking towards the office building, I felt my heart beat was a little faster and my body tensed than usual. My mind was constantly working. I was worrying about… Continue reading What can you do to reignite human connections today?

How can leaders act as strong bridges?

On a recent trip to Switzerland we were fascinated with the bridges all around Switzerland. The beautiful, strong bridges connected many different towns. The bridges were a connection to a new world – a gateway to new culture. They introduced new pathways, new perspectives and new ways of being. They provided an opportunity to experience… Continue reading How can leaders act as strong bridges?

Reflections, Learnings and Possibilities

Facing fear

As I reflect back, it seems like the past year went by so fast like every other year. The last day of the year I had a mixed feeling, one that was clubbed with excitement, pride, happiness and discontent. Excitement for the new beginnings, proud of my accomplishments and the contributions I made towards my… Continue reading Reflections, Learnings and Possibilities

Why YES to the Present and not to Result?


Schools evaluate on the test scores and at work the key performance indicators are revenue driven. We have learnt so much to focus on the outcome. Focusing on the result may give a thrill, an adrenaline rush to complete the job but robs the happiness of creation. So there is a void even after goal… Continue reading Why YES to the Present and not to Result?

What is in your baggage?

Watching out from the huge glass window in the airport I saw flights arriving and departing. The flights looked really massive, beautiful when they arrived. I noticed the intricate colorful details painted in the tail depicting a story of the country. Many flights departed and as they rose higher, they slowly disappeared behind the clouds… Continue reading What is in your baggage?

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