How can you find meaning at work?

Many of us assume that success leads to happiness. We believe that we’ll be happy once we achieve a certain position, salary or status. But research tells us that these moments of happiness are short lived, a temporary spike. One of the key elements to lasting happiness at work is finding meaning and purpose in… Continue reading How can you find meaning at work?

Why did this happen to me?

‘Why did this happen to me?’ is a question my mom asked every day after she fell down and broke her hip-femur joint. It was a major surgery that kept her to bed for a couple of months. She was shocked, angry and frustrated because she had to depend on someone else to carry out… Continue reading Why did this happen to me?

How to start deepening the relationship with your team?

One of my research finding during the pandemic interviewing hundreds of global employees was that they felt their relationship with their leaders were just transactional. They did not feel cared for. One of them said “My manager is cold. Our relationship is just transactional”. With a transactional relationship, people don’t go the extra mile. And… Continue reading How to start deepening the relationship with your team?

Want to do your best work?

Sheila, VP – HR of a large IT company reached out to me feeling nervous and anxious. She was stressed because in one of the meetings, the CEO had told her that she was not strategic and her team needs to be innovative for the company to be more resilient. Moreover the learning management system… Continue reading Want to do your best work?

How to come out of decision paralysis?

My friend had plans to travel with me to India. She reached out to me confused with the recent rise in covid cases back home. Many were advising her not to go. I could sense the fog she was in, not a best place to make decisions. In her mind’s eye, she was imagining the… Continue reading How to come out of decision paralysis?

What can you learn from your role model?

Happy women’s day! A time to reflect on women who have made a difference in our lives. I have many women role models including my mother Prafulla, Mother Teresa, India’s finance minister Nirmala Seetharaman, my indirect mentor Dorie Clark and more recently Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand’s prime minister. I am an advocate of a compassionate,… Continue reading What can you learn from your role model?

Morning Rituals and Self-Love

Deposit to your self-worth account

Over the years I have experimented with different activities in my morning rituals and tried different routines for weekdays and weekends. What I find most useful about morning rituals is that it leaves me energized for a productive day but more importantly it gives me a sense of purpose. Filter coffee is my favorite beverage… Continue reading Morning Rituals and Self-Love

A model to support your employees in the new normal

COVID 2019 pandemic has presented myriad challenges to businesses globally. It has impacted people like never before. This report states that nearly 7 in 10 workers claim the coronavirus pandemic is the most stressful time of their professional career; even more than major events like 9/11 and the 2008 Great Recession, according to mental health provider Ginger.… Continue reading A model to support your employees in the new normal

How to Stay Focused and Combat Overwhelm?

How Do I Stay Focused and Combat Overwhelm? This is a question I am asked often and more so now. As we are dealing with the complexities of life and work and with COVID added to the mix, it is hard to focus. I get you. Each of us are dealing with the realities of… Continue reading How to Stay Focused and Combat Overwhelm?

How to embrace extremely difficult experiences?


A recent decision of mine blew off and we had to incur heavy losses in the project. Few days back, I was in denial and then hopeful that the outcome would be favorable. Alas, it didn’t happen. We had to shoulder the losses. The pain was just too much. I felt ashamed of the choice… Continue reading How to embrace extremely difficult experiences?

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